Professional Development
PD for Administrators
Administration is one of the most demanding jobs in any college setting. The learning curve for those stepping in the role is a steep one. Even seasoned administrators need continuous PD to stay up-to-date on the forever evolving landscape of community college education. Solano Community College provides opportunities for administrators to continue to enrich their professional and academic experience through professional development during Flex or the many conferences throughout the state and country.
PD for Faculty
“One who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” John Cotton Dana
Teaching is a lifelong learning process that requires continuous improvement in order to meet the changing demands of the profession. Thus, professional development is imperative to the academic vitality of faculty. Not only is professional development obligatory for faculty but it is invaluable for the institution. It enhances faculty understanding of instructional concepts and learning processes. it increases student success through the implementation of best educational practices. It also connect faculty and staff across disciplines through shared experiences. Ultimately, professional development promotes the community within the college.
PD for Staff
Professional development is open and available to all staff members. By participating in workshops and trainings, staff members may enhance their current knowledge, skills, and abilities to better serve our students and support one another. As a result, staff benefit by strengthening their connections with each other as well as the campus community.