
Counseling Resources

Registration Errors, Pre-requisite Clearances, and Submitting Petitions

Please review Registration FAQ (pdf) regarding common concerns of students and how to submit information so we can help you in the fastest way possible.

Getting Started - Registration

NEW TO COLLEGE STUDENTS: Start Here - Welcome to Solano Community College! 

Please follow these instructions for receiving assistance on choosing upcoming courses:

Watch this video: New Student Education Plan Overview (video – 18:12 min)

    •  Yes, there is a lot of information on the video! Please watch it multiple times and write down your questions to ask the counselor during the workshop.
    • You don’t have to choose your English or Math. That part of the video is to explain how the placement guidance process works. The counselor will review your HS transcripts with you (so don’t forget to have an electronic version available when you go to the workshop) to determine what English and Math to choose.  You major will also guide the Math choice, as you will see when you select a template.
    • Information on other programs: Puente

Identify your PACE (Pathways for Academic and Career Excellence) Area

    • Visit the PACE area website to identify the area in which your major falls under.  You will be asked about your PACE area during the workshop.
    • Not sure of your major?  Take the Career Assessment (quick or detailed version) to identify your interests and connected majors. Then identify which PACE area those majors fall under.

Create a draft of your class choices for the upcoming semester

Call the Counseling Front Desk, 707-864-7101 stating you are a first-time college attendee and would like to be added to the Express Quick Question Drop-in list for your draft course list to be reviewed by a Counselor. Express times are 10:30am – 1pm and 3-5pm (expanded during the week before and the first week of each semester).  A counselor will call you to confirm your course choices. Then, email your draft of class choices for the upcoming semester to Counseling Services,

Register for Classes!

Congratulations, you are officially registered as a Solano Community College student!

  • Review the handouts, videos and other useful tips for being a successful college student here
  • Don’t forget about financial aid and the Solano promise program
  • Contact Counseling in the month after you start to create a comprehensive education plan (all semester)s.


    • If you have college credit from other colleges/universities that you would like to apply to a degree or certificate at Solano, please request a Transcript Review.  Send official transcripts to Admissions & Records with the request to review the transcripts at least two weeks prior to your Counseling appointment. If you know the major/program you would like to complete at Solano, please include notes on the transcript review form requesting the transcripts be reviewed for equivalency of courses for that major. If you don’t have a major chosen you can add notes to request a transcript review for equivalency of General Education course (also indicate if you intend to transfer to a 4 yr college or not).

Other Types of Services

Videos and Handouts on Registering, Picking Classes, Nursing Program and More!

Please see below for videos and handouts on how to pick class, how to register for classes, how to get on a waitlist, how to pick and educational goal, and more!

Counseling Courses

Click the button below to check out our counseling courses!

Returning and Continuing Students

Please review the following videos and information to see if this answers your questions.  If not, feel free to contact us and make an appointment.

Choosing Classes and Setting Education Goals

Videos and Handouts on Registering, Picking Classes, Nursing Program and More!

Please see below for videos and handouts on how to pick class, how to register for classes, how to get on a waitlist, how to pick and educational goal, and more!