Project Information
Measure G Project Information
Project Information
Solano Community College Vallejo Center Project - The New Vallejo Center is a multi-story facility that allows us to greatly expand our course offerings and services to the residents of Vallejo, Benicia and all of Solano County. The new facility includes classrooms, a lecture hall, computer laboratory, bookstore distribution space, youth theatre rehearsal space, art exhibit areas and outdoor spaces for study and relaxation. The District acquired the 10-acre site which is located northeast of Vallejo off Columbus Parkway.
Solano Community College Vacaville Center Project, Currently in Construction
The committee has completed Master Planning for this center. The cost estimates were based on the proposed programs and space requirements agreed upon at the time of the development of the District's Facility Master Plan. The Site consists of 60 acres. While proposed budgets have been developed, priorities at the District level are changing and the planning will need to take these changes into account. The project estimates also include the cost of Group II equipment for the space allocation defined in the project.
Student Services Center Project
This is a new two-story building that was constructed on our Fairfield Campus to consolidate and improve student access to Student Services Programs. This building also has classrooms to expand and enhance student learning. At this location, the building establishes a new central entry plaza and provides a "one-stop" service location for all students.
Building 700 Humanities, Building 800 Health Services, Renovations, and Building 900 New Faculty Office Building
All of these buildings are complete and occupied on the Fairfield campus.
ADA Phase I and II, Compliance in all Buildings
These Projects will bring the District into compliance with Title 24, Executive Order 504, American with Disabilities Act. Phase I, provides for basic access routes to all buildings and programs. The planning and working drawings have been completed and approved for Phase I. Phase II includes all of the remaining work to be in full compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Building evaluations, preliminary plans and cost estimates have been completed for Phase II. Projects directly related to a specific building have been scheduled to coincide with the building's renovation and scheduled maintenance projects.
Repair Campus Utility Infrastructure
This area includes several major Projects; such as replacement of five 15 Kv electrical substations, repair/replacement of hot and chill water distribution systems, and replacement of underground domestic water isolation values. The remaining projects are defined in the District's Five Year Scheduled Maintenance Plan. The first project, including hot and cold water distribution is complete.
Sports Complex
This project includes major renovations and expansion to the District's athletic facilities. Renovations include soccer and softball fields, and major renovations to the baseball and football complex. Cost estimates for these projects were completed by the District's Architect based on approved plans.
Building Renovations of Building 300, 500 and 1500 are complete.
The renovation of these three buildings was combined into one phased construction contract, completed in the Summer and Fall of 2005.
Upgrade Exterior Lighting and install Building Security Systems
This project includes the upgrade of exterior lighting systems and the installation of building security and surveillance systems. These projects have had some preliminary planning completed. The cost estimates are based on the information provided at that time.
Scheduled Maintenance Repairs
This is a series of scheduled maintenance repair projects listed in the District's Five Year Schedule Maintenance Plan and staged over the six years projected duration of the Bond Construction Plan. While the costs have been identified, no detailed plans have been prepared. Projects directly related to a specific building have been scheduled to coincide with the building's renovation and ADA Phase I and II projects.
Completed Projects
FALL 2012 - This update provides a current review of the Measure G Bond program, activities of which range from design and construction, through project closeout. Project status at the end of the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2010 / 2011 is as follows:
In Progress
Preliminary programming/design meetings were completed with the Administration, Institutional Advancement and Human Resources Departments. Henley Architects & Associates has been hired to provide design services for the Building 600 remodel, and a tour to review various Board Room designs has been accomplished with a follow-up to be scheduled. Programming and preliminary design for Building 600 will be completed in the Spring of 2012
Plans and specifications for the 12,570 square foot building were submitted to DSA for review, and comments were received from DSA earlier this month. The project is scheduled for Bidding and start of Construction Fall 2011. Staff in Building 1300 have been moved into Building 1100 (portables), which is being used as swing space during the 12-month construction phase of the project. The portables are currently scheduled for demolition after the Building 1300 Remodel Fine Arts is complete and all occupants of the swing space have been moved back into the renovated facility.
In the interim, three kilns have been temporarily moved to Building 1800B, between the Auto and Welding Shops for use during the 12-month construction phase. After completion of construction the kilns will be relocated to Building 1300.
This project includes the construction of a new building for the expanding Child Care program. The new building will include two classrooms and support spaces. The project is currently in the construction document phase and design is approximately 90% complete. Documents are scheduled to be submitted to DSA in September 2011. Construction is scheduled for Spring 2012 with completion of construction in the Fall of 2012.
- Campus Wide Landscape (Improvements)
- Police Services (Long-Term Temporary Location)
- Maintenance/ Warehouse (1900)
- Bat Exclusion
- Vallejo Parking Expansion
- Cosmetology (1600)
- Irrigation Upgrades
Submitted for Funding
- BUILDING 1200 THEATRE FINAL PROJECT PLAN (FPP) Program, schematic design and 95% estimate are complete based on renovating the existing building. The District has submitted an FPP to the State for 100% funding due to health and safety issues. Design work has been suspended until the State Bond is passed in 2012.
- BUILDING 100 LEARNING RESEARCH CENTER (LRC) FINAL PROJECT PLAN (FPP) In 2007 the District submitted to the State an FPP for the renovation of the existing Library Building. The District, with a change of direction in 2009, submitted to the State an FPP for a replacement Learning Research Center (LRC). The District increased its matching funds offer for the new building to move up on the State funding priority list. On hold pending a State Bond in 2012.
Re-Prioritized Projects
The District has a number of projects in the pre-design and design phase--the list consist of projects previously noted as part of the original 42 bond projects as well as new projects that have been evaluated and prioritized:
- Pool & Pool Mechanical
- Demo Portables (1100)
- Upgrade Security/Existing Lighting
- Campus Wide Security Study & Implement
- Athletic Fields Restrooms
- Campus Wide Signage Study & Implement
- Hydronics Pipe Covers Fairfield
- Electrical Substation Replacement Project
- Trash & Equipment enclosure at Vacaville
- Trash & Equipment enclosure at Vallejo
- Campus Wide Exterior Painting (Fairfield)
- Bike Racks/Lockers
- Golf Instructional Pad
- Campus Wide Roof Plan