Department Of Public Safety

Weapons on Campus Information

Weapons are prohibited on campus. In addition to the traditional penal code sections, the educational code and Solano Community College District Board Policy 5300 adds restrictions with respect to campus communities.
What is a weapon?
A weapon is anything that can be used to hurt or injure someone. Weapons could be but are not limited to the following:
  • Knives
  • Guns
  • Pepper Spray
  • Hands, Fists, Feet
  • Any object used to hurt or injure another
What weapons are not permitted on campus?
Most weapons are not permitted on campus. For example:
  • Any knife including a belt buckle knife, dirk dagger, cane sword, pen knife, lipstick knife, switchblade, butterfly knife or any knife that has a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches, opens automatically or has more than one sharp edge
  • Any gun without written permission and in accordance with California Penal Code
  • Nunchaku
  • Metal knuckles
  • Airsoft, pellet or BB gun
  • Any concealed weapon (hidden from plain sight)
When can I have a weapon?
Some self-defense weapons can be carried on campus within legal limits:
  • You can have pepper spray as it is for self-defense, not larger than 2.5 oz. and contains a “Warning” label.
What about if I have a knife?
  • You can have a knife, such as a pocket knife, as long as the blade is not more than 2 1/2 inches long, it does not open automatically and has only one sharp edge.
What happens if I am found in possession of a weapon on campus?
The punishment for having a weapon varies depending on the type of weapon. Punishments can be fines, imprisonment and student judicial sanctions.
Notice on Airsoft Guns
Airsoft guns, often marketed as “toys”, can be nearly identical to the actual firearms and often contain interchangeable parts. As such, they are indistinguishable from actual firearms and should never be displayed in public places. Possession of airsoft guns on campus is considered a violation of University policy and may violate applicable laws.
Weapons Related Laws 
California Penal Code 626.9(h) Gun Free School Zone
Any person who brings a loaded firearm upon the grounds of a University of California campus without written permission is subject to arrest and prosecution for a felony crime.
California Penal Code 12020 Unlawful Carrying and Possession of Weapons
The manufacture, import, sale, supply or possession of certain weapons and explosives are arrestable offenses. These weapons include, but are not limited to: a concealed firearm, cane or wallet gun, zip gun, belt buckle knife, blackjack, billy or a concealed dagger. Conviction for any offense under this code is punishable by imprisonment in county jail or state prison.

California Penal Code 653(k) Possession of Switch Blade Knife
Every person who possesses on his or her person (or in the driver or passenger area of a motor vehicle) a switchblade knife having a blade exceeding 2 1/2 inches is guilty of a misdemeanor.

California Penal Code 417 Brandishing a Deadly Weapon
Any person who exhibits a firearm or any deadly weapon in a rude, angry or threatening manner, or who in any manner, unlawfully uses the same in any fight or quarrel is subject to prosecution and imprisonment in accordance with the specific subsections of this law.

California Penal Code 417.25 Aiming Laser Pointer
Every person who aims a laser scope or pointer at another person in a threatening manner with the specific intent to cause a reasonable person fear of bodily harm is guilty of a misdemeanor. For purposes of this section, the laser need not be attached to a firearm.
California Penal Code 417.4 Imitation Firearm
Every person who draws or exhibits an imitation firearm in a threatening manner against another in such a way as to cause harm to a reasonable person, apprehension or fear of bodily harm is guilty of a misdemeanor.
California Senate Bill 1828
Any person who openly displays or exposes an imitation firearm (including a BB or pellet device) in a public place is guilty of an infraction for a first or second offense and a misdemeanor for a third or subsequent offense. Certain exceptions apply to manufacturers/importers/distributers and theatrical productions.
California Penal Code 245 Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Any person who commits an assault upon another person with a firearm or other deadly weapon or instrument likely to produce great bodily harm is subject to prosecution and imprisonment in accordance with the specific subsection of this law.
There are special circumstances when certain weapons may be authorized on campus. Some examples include for use by theatrical performances, movie shoots, class instruction, etc. Prior to the event, written authorization to possess a firearm/weapon on campus MUST be obtained through the Solano Community College District Department of Public Safety (SCCD-DPS). Contact DPS at (707) 864-7131
Solano Community College District
Department of Public Safety
Phone: (707) 864-7131
Fax: (707) 646-2052
4000 Suisun Valley Road, Bldg. 1800B
Fairfield, CA 94534
Business Hours 
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Duty Phone 
707-580-6526 (24 hours / 7 days a week)