Student Equity and Success Council

Past Meetings

Academic Year 2023-24

Action Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm second Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters (usually) – in-person and online

Discussion/Work Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm fourth Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters (usually) – online

Physical room location and Zoom link provided in the agendas

*Recordings will be available for 40 days after posting

First Friday of each month starting in May.

Second, third, and fourth Friday: project workgroup meeting.

Meeting Date
March 26
March 12
February 26
January 29
December 11
November 13
October 23
October 9
September 25
September 11
August 28
Meeting DateAgendaMinutes
April 22
April 8
March 25
March 11
February 26
February 19
January 22
December 11
November 20
October 30
October 23
October 9
September 25
September 18
August 28

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