Wellness Center Grand Opening!
Please join us this Wednesday for the grand opening of the SCC Wellness Center!
Wednesday, August 31st at 12:30pm
We still start the festivities at the amphitheater between buildings 1400 and 2700, followed by a ribbon cutting in Room 1428 and an opportunity for everyone to experience the new center.  Refreshments will be served.
The goal of this new center (Bldg 1400, Rm 1428) is to provide culturally responsive services, in a safe place, where people can chill, relax, play games, draw, share poems, and much more. On offer will be support groups, co-facilitated by our very own well-trained alumni and student, and host presentations and share strategies that all serve to promote our individual and collective wellness.
The Wellness Center is the result of a grant in cooperation with Solano County Behavioral Health and Solano County Office of Education. After this week, the Center will be open Monday-Thursday from 10:30am – 1:30pm. For more information, please contact WellnessCenter@solano.edu
We look forward to seeing you there.