Transfer Center: UC Davis: Group Advising: College of Engineering
Description: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight TimeTo register, visit:Â https:// register/?id=72 4cee50-0aa3-4b0 8-8e4e-194447da 72e3
The benefit
Topic:Â Colle
- Designed for students who are interested in Engineering and Computer Science majors
- UCD offers 12 Engineering majors. All of our Engineering majors are housed under College of Engineering.
- UCD Computer Science major used to be housed under the College of Letters and Science and as of Fall 2023 CS will be moved to the College of Engineering.
- Cli
ck on the topic link above to learn more about the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and AvenueE Program.
- Learn about UC Davis and admissions requirements
- Net
work with students who are in similar majors/career interests - Receiv
e tips and guidance from TOP Student Outreach Ambassador(s), Coordinator(s), and guest speaker(s)
How to be ready:
- Make sure your UC TAP is accurate and reflects all your academic history
- Add this session to your calendar. If you cannot attend, please cancel your registration.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Jackie Nguyen, jcknguyen@ucdav