Priority Registration


Priority Registration Begins

11/16/20 – Veterans / FYSI / Homeless / DSP / EOPS / CalWORKS

11/27/20 – Athletes / Umoja / ASSC

11/18/20 – Continuing Students

11/24/20 – New students who HAVE completed Orientation and Ed Plan

11/30/20 – Returning Students

12/01/20 – Transfer Students

12/02/20 – New students who HAVE NOT completed Orientation and/or Ed Plan

12/03/20 – K-12

12/04/20 – Open Registration – All are Welcome!


Hello Valued Solano College Student,

Priority Registration for the Spring 2021 semester begins on Monday, November 16, and the faculty and staff of the college are ready to assist you. Since classes can fill quickly, it is important to register as soon as your registration window opens. You can find your registration date on the college webpage at

Here are a few things to consider as you plan your spring semester:

What are the next classes I need to complete my degree or certificate? Your faculty can help you determine this – just ask! If you haven’t met with a counselor or created an Education Plan, please contact the Counseling Department by calling 707-864-7101 or visiting their website,

Most spring classes will be online, like this semester. The pandemic is not over, and we are continuing our online schedule to keep you safe. Faculty and student services counseling faculty/staff are working hard to create better and more engaging online classes and support services so you won’t miss a beat on your way to graduation or transfer. Once you have decided on your spring schedule of classes, remember that it is important to pay for your classes at the time of registration. If you have past fees due, these will need to be paid before you can register for the spring. If you are worried about your ability to pay for school, we can help! Please contact the kind people in our Financial Aid Office. The phone number is 707-864-7103 and the email is Search for open classes by going to our online ClassFinder page, or go to and click on “Class Search.”

Even during the pandemic, Solano Community College is here for you. We appreciate you, and we look forward to helping you achieve your education goals!

Registration for : Priority Registration

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