New Grad Career Intensity Training
Congratulations Class of 2021! You’ve survived college and, completing your degree during a pandemic! But that’s just the start of your accomplishments!
We in the Career Center are excited for your next phase and care deeply that you are well-prepared to face the many opportunities presented to you as a degree holder.
One of the areas that is critical to success is, Career Preparation. Do you have a professional resume and cover letter? Do you know your next step – career or educationally speaking? If presented with an opportunity to communicate your passions, education and professional experiences for admission to a program or job; are you well-versed and able to deliver so that you receive an offer?
Well the Career Center is presenting a day of trainings designed specifically to equip or fine-tune these exact skills with you! Receive personal career advising and coaching to ensure you stand head and shoulders above other candidates. August 4, 2021, 12 pm to 5 pm: New Grad Career Intensity Training. Attend all sessions, multiple, or a single session – Your Choice to fit Your Needs.
To attend the workshops, Register online at:
If you have any questions, please email: or call, 707.864.7124.
A word of encouragement: Don’t get discouraged that landing a job is taking longer than you planned; on average, it takes 3-6 months to find a job after graduation!
For those of you who are unable to attend, or just prefer a self-service approach, here are some resources to assist you in various areas of the career development process. These tools may be what you need to help jumpstart and make the most of your job search:
   Discover career options and explore new career paths that match your degree/major!
Skills Matcher – A short quiz that identifies your workplace skills and the careers that match them.
– find out what your interests are and how they relate to six career interest types within the world of work.
Reality Check  – see how much money you’ll need for your desired lifestyle, assess the living costs in your area, develop a savings plan and browse occupations that meet your goals.
Work Values Sorter  – determine the workplace values and motivators that are a good prediction of your job satisfaction. See which careers offer the values that are the most important to you. During interviews, be sure to ask prospective employers how they satisfy these values.
You can also explore hundreds of Occupation Profiles , that let you know what the job requires, your potential salary, what the workplace is like, and the education and skills you need. Plus watch a short video about each occupation.
And when you are ready, we help you search and apply for available jobs across the state.
Congratulations and We look to serve you soon,
Your Solano Community College Career Center