Equity Inclusion Advisory Council

Equity Inclusion Advisory Council

The Equity Inclusion Advisory Council (E.I.A.C.) was created to provide leadership that advocates for diversity and equity in Solano Community College’s educational programs, cultural events, and recruitment and hiring training outcomes.

Responsibilities of the E.I.A.C.:

  • To provide leadership to foster an educational climate that encourages mutual respect, trust, acceptance, and teamwork, regardless of backgrounds (as identified in the Board policy 4035 on non-discrimination).
  • To influence Institutional plans to address equity issues and to eliminate barriers to conditions of equity. Such plans should include work on the Staff Equity Plan as required by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and ACCJC.
  • To educate all College constituents in the needs of an increasingly diverse educational community.
  • To make recommendations for revising Board policies pertaining to diversity and equity.
  • To solicit suggestions from relevant College and community groups to strengthen diversity outreach.
  • To establish appropriate timelines to complete E.I.A.C. tasks.

If you have any questions to help us serve you better, please call Human Resources: 864-7137

Meetings Schedule



David Williams
Solano College Faculty Association (3)
Administrators appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs (2)
Vice President of Academic Affairs (1)