Tutoring Works
The data doesn’t lie!
- Retention rates are higher among ASTC users (92%) than non-ASTC users (88%).
- Success rates are higher among ASTC users (79%) than non-ASTC users (71%).
- Average term GPA is higher for ASTC users (2.60) than non-ASTC users (2.39).
- Of students who ultimately drop or fail a class, only 6% of them have visited the ASTC.
- Most tutored subjects: English, Math, Biology, Chemistry.
- Most ASTC visits are an average of 2 hours long.
Hear what students are saying about the ASTC:
       “I have learned so much from my tutors.” –Patricia Gallman
       “[The ASTC] is friendly, welcoming, and encouraging.” –Hannah Woodward
        “The ASTC has helped me improve my study skills.” –Robert Rincon, Jr.
        “It has given me essential support to get through my first math class.” –Kristine Ryan
       “The ASTC has given me a space to ask questions.” –Alexandra Maletsky
        “The tutors are able to explain things that I did not fully understand in class.” –Eamon Tiernan-Long