Academic Senate

Scholarship Fundraiser


Some of the forms below contain electronic signature capabilities as well as buttons that email the form directly to the appropriate department. If using Chrome, in order for these functionalities to work properly, these forms must be opened in Acrobat. You must click on the following button located on the top left of the page that opens with the form: Open in Acrobat Screenshot

Forms work directly from page that is opened in Internet Explorer.

COVID-19 Procedures & Forms

*NOTE: In order to use the “SUBMIT TO HR” button on the form, the document must be opened in Acrobat. Click on the link above and then click on “Open in Acrobat” on the upper right hand side. (Chrome web browser only; button will work using Internet Explorer.)

General Employee Forms

Remote Work Forms

Union Specific Forms


Local 39/Operating Engineers


         Evaluation Forms


Health & Welfare Forms

Retirement/Resignation Forms

Recruitment/Hiring Committee Forms

Pay & Earnings Forms

Envoy 403(b)

CalPERS 457 Plan

Miscellaneous Forms