Enrollment Partnership Agreement Between SCC and Thomas Jefferson University

October 8, 2020
CONTACT: Celia Esposito-Noy
PHONE: (707) 864-7299
EMAIL: Celia.Esposito-Noy@solano.edu


The Solano Community College (SCC) Board of Trustees approved an enrollment partnership agreement between SCC and Thomas Jefferson University at the October 7 th Board meeting. The agreement guarantees graduates from the SCC baccalaureate program in Biomanufacturing a clear path to earn admission into the MS in Biopharmaceutical Processing Engineering program at the Jefferson Institute of Bioprocessing in Philadelphia, PA. The agreement will be for one year and will automatically renew each year. There is no cost to SCC for establishing this agreement and will benefit students looking for a graduate program in this specialized field. “We are very pleased to enter into this agreement and provide our bachelor degree graduates with opportunities to advance. Earning a master’s degree in Biopharmaceutical Processing Engineering will provide our students with industry opportunities that were previously unavailable,” stated Superintendent-President, Dr. Celia Esposito-Noy.

A 2020 report from the California Life Sciences Association (CLSA) indicates that there has been a 4% increase in total life sciences jobs over the past year with companies employing 323,723 Californians- the most in the nation. There are nearly 1 million jobs created by 3,766 life sciences companies in California. The average industry salary of those employed in California is $123,000.

SCC is currently accepting applications for its next class of biomanufacturing bachelor degree students. For more information about the SCC Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing programs, go to http://www.solano.edu/biomanufacturing/ or contact the program by email at biomanufaacturing@solano.edu or by phone at 707-864-7211.

Solano Community College’s main campus is located at 4000 Suisun Valley Road, Fairfield, CA. The Biomanufacturing program is offered at the Vacaville campus located at 2001 North Village Parkway. For general information, go to: http://www.solano.edu