Finance & Administration
Risk Management
Student Accident Insurance Program
Solano Community College District is pleased to provide a student accident insurance plan administered through BMI Benefits. All students are covered for Basic Accident Benefits.
- Benefits and Coverage
- Claim Procedures and Forms
- Identification Card (Policy & Group Name)
Injury & Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
The Solano Community College District is a member of the Northern California Community Colleges Self-Insurance Authority (NCCC-SIA), a joint powers authority and risk-sharing partnership comprised of 10 northern California Community Colleges.
The District is permissibly self-insured through the JPA. Its workers’ compensation claims and property and liability program is serviced by Keenan & Associates, insurance administrators. Keenan also provides loss control services including safety training, inspections, and ergonomics.
All questions and concerns relating to risk management should be directed to the Office of Finance & Administration.