Wellness Workshop


Wellness During COVID-19
How can we take care of ourselves during the ongoing crisis and the mental challenges that follow? Come join us for Mental Wellness Series for the next nine weeks where we address how to identify, build, and recognize our inner strengths and bodily patterns, learn and apply the Wellness Wheel, discuss and practice self-care, identify healthy boundaries, and dive deeper into different types of meditation.

Feel free to join the dates you can attend and make sure to register to the workshops you would like to participate in (no need to attend all of them).
Host: Heidi Smaradottir & Sabine van de Water, MFT Trainees at the Community-Based Counseling Program at John F. Kennedy University.

Free Weekly Workshops at 10:00 am – 11:30 am

  • 10/09 Fri: Wellness During COVID-19 – Meeting ID: 935 2095 8184
  • 10/17 Sat: Inner Strengths During Crisis – Meeting ID: 925 8704 9058
  • 10/23 Fri: Identify Stress in Your Body – Meeting ID: 931 0287 8737

Registration for : Wellness Workshop

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