Liberal Studies

Degree Type
Associate in Arts

Average Salary

Understanding the Foundations
of Liberal Arts
Welcome To Liberal Studies
Do you love the arts?
Looking for a creative career?
Do you have a passion to create?
Enchanted with english literature?
You're Looking for Liberal Studies!
The Associate in Arts Degree in Liberal Studies is designed to broaden their knowledge, abilities, and skills to create a foundation in the liberal arts. Students gain a broad background in the social and behavioral sciences, humanities, communication, fine and preforming arts, mathematics, and the physical and biological sciences. The students are able to complete lower division major preparation and general education for transfer while simultaneously completing the Liberal Studies Associate Degree. This major provides opportunities for students who are exploring degree options and are not yet certain about their specific degree goals at the four-year level.

Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about Liberal Studies, please meet with a Counselor. Call the Counseling office at 707-864-1101 or email us at