Financial Aid

Your Guide To Pay For College!

Book Services

Solano Community College offers book assistance from three programs.

Associated Students of Solano College (ASSC) Emergency Book Loan

Typically offered on the first day of Fall and Spring semester, the Associated Student Body leadership makes it possible for the Financial Aid Office, Room 425, Building 400, to offer a limited number of $100.00 book loans on a first-come, first-served basis.

To be eligible for the loan a student must be:

  • Registered in at least six units
  • Have a current student I.D.

Students Helping Students Fund

This fund is administered through the Student Life Office.

Solano Community College’s Students Helping Students Fund is a program designed to provide “one time only” financial assistance to economically disadvantaged SCC students in the form of a grant for textbook purchases. Funding of this program is provided by the students through a non-refundable optional fee of $1, as well as through solicited annual contributions by Solano College administration, faculty, and staff. Fee payment is entirely voluntary.

Students Helping Students Book Grants shall be distributed to eligible students at the start of the semester on a first-come, first-serve basis. New, first-time freshman students enrolled in 6 units at Solano Community College who meet income eligibility guidelines for an automatic Fee Waiver are encouraged to complete a Fee Waiver application and the “Students Helping Students” Grant Application available from the Office of Student Financial Aid or the Student Life Office no later than the first day of Fall or Spring instruction. For information, contact the Director of Student Development, 864-7168. (Reference: Governing Board Policy #5710)

EOPS Book Services

This service is administered by the EOPS Program. For more information, please go to EOPS.